Sunday, January 6, 2013

GET INSPIRED 2013...Cindy's Story

Here we are...2013!  So excited for New Year's resolutions and the opportunity to help people successfully reach their goals and get the results they want! So curious to know what is behind the resolutions you are making this year... What inspires you to want to change? What motivates you to be healthier? I truly do love being a part of each and every one of my client's journey towards a healthier life. Seeing them succeed is something that motivates and inspires me!  I have been working with Cindy since September and it has been awesome!  She is an amazing testament to what you can achieve with determination and commitment to change.  If any of you think you are too busy to get in shape.  Let this girl prove you wrong. ;)  Cindy finds the time to get her workouts in and prepare healthy meals in addition to raising two kids and running a busy and successful business.  Did I say busy?  Make that very busy! ;) She is making it happen and I am so proud of her!  Each week, she continues to shed pounds, inches and fat.  She is getting stronger, has more energy and is leaving the girl we used to know behind!  We are just a couple of months in.  The pictures on the left were taken in September and the set on the right, just two months later, in mid-November.  Stay tuned...she is working hard and not slowing down!  Over the next few months, I will continue to post on her progress as well as updated pics. I could not be happier for her!  So excited to see where she will take her fitness this year!  Here is her story in her own words!  CHEERS Cindy!  2013 is going to be a FABULOUS year for you!!!

"I am a working mother in pursuit of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle and the body that comes with it!   I can tell you that you have never met a trainer like Emilee before.   She is one of the most positive influences in my life.   I started her nutrition and training plan in September of 2012.  Nine months after my second baby I still weighed the same as the day I left the hospital. 

Since working with Emiliee I have lost 20 pounds and even more in inches.   The belly I just assumed I would have to have surgery on some day is noticeably firming and I see the path to a flat stomach!  Not only is Emilee a phenomenal trainer: I love my butt, but, she also gives you the tools you need to work through challenges physical or emotional that are keeping you from reaching my weight loss goals.   She picks up on it immediately if I get frustrated and gives me ideas and new path suggestions to get to my goals.   

Changing habits and lifestyle take time and commitment, but the benefits are endless.  Even my husband agrees, Emilee is worth every cent in giving me something that will save me money for the rest of my life; a healthy outlook to go along with my healthy body!   This is an investment worth making!"

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