Friday, October 5, 2012


Looking for a better organized, more successful way to execute your fitness goals???
Having a comprehensive idea of when and how you are going to get to your goals is essential.  You hear it all the time...
Figuring out in advance when you are going to workout and what you are going to eat is critical to making it happen and ensuring your success.  Here are some things you can do to get started. 

X - Sit down and look at your schedule for the week and figure out where you can fit your workouts in.  I ask my clients to strive for 7 hours a week. Find the time and then set it up just like you would an important appointment.  Don't cancel, show up late or skip out early.  Your workouts have to be a priority.  I like to write down exactly what workouts I am going to be doing for the week and when.  I write my cardio and strength training schedule for each day in my calendar.  It helps keep me on track with my cardio and I make sure to hit every body part every week. Your health and fitness should be just as important as anything else!

O - Plan out for the week what nights you are going to cook and what you are going to make. Put a successful strategy in place.  When you cook, make extra so you can have leftovers on the nights you don't want to cook. Know what your 3 main meals will consist of for the week and make sure you have everything on hand you will need.

X - Prep and prepare as much as possible.  Whatever you can do in advance to make it easier to eat healthy, DO! Make up a big pot of soup and freeze it or store it in individual containers in the fridge. Make up a big batch of protein pancakes or baked oatmeal for the week, so you have a healthy grab and go breakfast. Roast some vegetables, cook enough chicken for an entire week of lunches...make eating healthy quick and easy for yourself!

O - The less you can eat out the better off you are as far as nutrition goes. Having a restaurant game plan can at least keep the nutritional damage to a minimum.  If possible, try to do a little research ahead of time.  Look at the menu online and figure out what your healthiest choices are going to be.  Knowing what you are going to order when you walk in the door can keep you from being tempted by high calorie, unhealthy choices on the menu.  If you know the restaurant is not really going to have anything healthy, you can always drink a protein shake or eat something small at home before you go.  This will help decrease your appetite and make it less likely you will overindulge.

Having a fitness and nutrition game plan and strategy in place will absolutely make a difference in getting to your goals. 
As always, feel free to comment or contact me if you need more information.  I am more than happy to help you design a strategy for your fitness success!

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